How to Maintain Your Swimming Pool During Cold Winters

Winter pool maintenance isn’t just for those living in cold climates. Some warm areas, like California, can still get cold enough in the winter to cause damage to pipes and pumps, as well as other parts of your pool. Fortunately, knowing how to maintain your swimming pool and preparing for the colder weather will help you avoid these winter woes.

How to Winterize Your Swimming Pool

The first step is to decide whether or not you will be leaving your pool open throughout the winter. If you do wish to continue using your pool, keep a close eye on the weather forecast to make sure the temperature isn’t going to drop below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. In California, the average lows this time of year are between 30 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit, so it may be somewhat rare, but is definitely not impossible.

If you plan to winterize your swimming pool, follow the tips below for the best results.

Use & Maintain a Cover

If you don’t already have a cover for your pool, it is wise to get one before winter comes. A pool cover will keep out any falling leaves and other debris so it doesn’t collect in your pool while it’s not in use.

Your pool cover is meant to hold a certain amount of weight, but not more. If it collects too much water on the top, it can cause damage. Open your cover during rainfall or pump the water off the cover.

If your area shifts between cooler and warmer temperatures, there is a chance that the warmth and moisture will allow mold and algae to grow. Check your cover periodically and after storms or warm days to make sure this doesn’t happen.

Don’t Forget About Chemicals

If the water in your pool is not circulating, you may not need to add chlorine or make any major changes to your water during the winter. However, it is important to check the chemistry levels periodically and maintain optimal amounts in order to keep out bacteria.

Pipes and Parts

Check your pipes, filters, pumps, and other pool parts, and make sure there is no water in them. If water inside the parts happens to freeze, it will expand, which can cause costly damage.

When in Doubt, Get Help

Although a good portion of pool maintenance can be done yourself, it is always a good idea to ask a professional for help with anything you are unsure about. Contact Sonoma Backyard with any questions you have about how to winterize your swimming pool.

Learn more about Sonoma Backyard and how to maintain your swimming pool, plus more tips for how to create your dream backyard space.